22 June 2015

Going Blonde with Style Bar

So I finally went through with it! Wow. I went Beyonce. I did it once before, but it literally lasted for about 5 minutes because as soon as I saw the outcome, I got a fright and told the stylist to cover it up again. But that was the me before I became more open and revolutionized in terms of fashion and style. I am much more adventurous now. And when I came across the fabulous hair salon, Style Bar, I knew I found the perfect place to get it done right as I'd seen some really great work done by them. I didn't care if it wasn't going to suit me. I just felt for a change, and a drastic one at that. So I took the risk and I really like it! Of course it takes some major getting use to, considering I have reeeally dark brown hair naturally, but it grew on me quickly. I plan on being Goldie Locks for some time still. The pictures below is the outcome after highlighting the full head of hair, including the in between bits. See process below it.

The process:

I headed off to Style Bar at the Palmyra Junction in Claremont with a set idea in mind. I met with my stylist, the sweet Raazi, and she explained the process of going blonde to me. We start off by highlighting the top half of my head only, as it is best to go blonde in stages. I would then return at a later stage to do the bottom half, and then finally we would do all the in between hair last. This is to prevent too much damage. Because let's face it, we are bleaching the hair. In other words, we are not only stripping the hair of it's colour, but also of all it's delicious nutrients that keep it healthy and strong. So we want to give the hair a breather in between. Give it a chance to get in some much needed nutrients and hold itself together. Admittedly, I was a bit impatient. One of my biggest vices. I wasn't really feeling the in between stage so I went back sooner than later to lighten the darker bits, as well as the bits that were already lightened. If you are impatient like me, you have to be prepared to take extra special care of your hair afterwards. Any bleaching requires extra care but here we're talking extra extra care. I am continuing my usual Olive Oil Treatment, which you can read about here. And I am also using the Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo, Conditioner and Oil, which you can read about here. You will see that these are the products that led to me being able to grow my hair long again after some really bad damage.

The below images were taken at the first appointment, where the top half of my head was highlighted:

Thank you to Style Bar for my new look!

Until next time, have a great day, or night, wherever you are.


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